Pennsylvania Commercial Auto Insurance Help

Pennsylvania Commercial Auto Insurance Quotes, insuring several different types of business use vehicles.

Pennsylvania commercial truck insurance coverage. Commercial vehicle insurance.
Commercial vehicle insurance – Pennsylvania Commercial Auto Insurance


All truck, big rig tractor trailers, NEMT vehicles and buses and other commercially registered motor vehicles operated in Pennsylvania must be covered by financial  responsibility in the form of a standard motor vehicle liability policy, namely Pennsylvania Commercial Auto Insurance from an insurance company licensed to do business in the Commonwealth (unless the vehicles are self-insured in  accordance with regulations of the PA Department of Insurance and the PA Department of  Transportation). Minimum coverage is $15,000 for bodily injury or death of one person,  $30,000 for injury or death of two or more persons, and $5,000 property damage. You must maintain financial responsibility in order to retain your vehicle registration.

When you register a motor vehicle or renew your registration in Pennsylvania, you will be required to supply the Department with an acceptable proof of Trucking insurance from a PA licensed insurance company that would include the effective and expiration dates of your automobile insurance policy, the name of your insurance company, and your policy number or you will have to self-certify that you are financially responsible and personally able to pay for damages that you may become liable for because of motor vehicle accidents. Your driving privilege may be suspended or your vehicle registration revoked for  failure to show proof of financial responsibility as required by law.

Business owners may get help with Pennsylvania Commercial Auto Insurance and other types of business insurance.

(888) 443-7623

There are 25 classes of truck, truck-tractor, and combination registrations. Truck manufacturers
and the state regulate the maximum weight a truck may safely carry. Based on these
specifications and regulations, you must select one of these classes when registering your
vehicle.  A truck is registered according to its gross weight (the weight of the empty truck, plus the weight of the heaviest load and the  occupants it will carry). If the truck is used to tow a full-trailer or semi-trailer registered in  excess of 10,000 pounds, the truck may be required to be registered in combination. The  weights of the empty towing-vehicle and the empty trailer, plus the heaviest load both vehicles  will carry, would be included in figuring the combination gross weight required.
A truck-tractor is designed to be used in combination with a semi-trailer, and its registered
combined gross weight always includes the gross weight of the vehicle it is towing.

No truck, truck-tractor or combination can be registered in Pennsylvania at a gross weight exceeding 80,000 pounds.

We have help from high risk truck insurance markets as well.

General Provisions for Trucks

No Pennsylvania truck, when operated on a public highway, can exceed the maximum gross weights listed below.

Maximum Gross 

Type of Truck Weight In Pounds 
Two-Axle  38,000 
Three-Axle  58,400 
Four-Axle  73,280 
Five-Axle  73,280 
Six-Axle  77,000 
Seven-Axle  80,000 


For additional information, you may also contact the agencies listed below;

PUC (Public Utility Commission)

717- 787-3834

FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration)


IFTA (PA Department of Revenue)



UCR (Unified Carrier Registration program)


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